An off-site instructional location is any location where instruction is delivered geographically apart from UNT's main campus. There are a number of off-site educational locations throughout the region and the world where UNT offers courses or programs.  Once approved, each of these sites are monitored by the University Accreditation for reporting purposes.

New Off-Site Instructional Location Approval

The Southern Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), the U.S. Department of Education, and the Clery Act require specific reporting of off-campus sites for instruction. University Accreditation monitors these sites to maintain compliance with these requirements. If a department is planning on offering a degree or certificate program at an off-site location, they are strongly encouraged to consult with University Accreditation during the development of the proposal.

If instruction is delivered by distance education (synchronously or asynchronously) to a location geographically apart from an institution's sole main campus - AND - if a student is required to be at the location to receive instruction, then the location is an off-campus instructional site.

Any academic department planning to teach a course at a new off-campus instructional site should complete the UNT Form to Add an Off-Campus Site for Instruction This form should also be used to reactivate a closed site.  Offering instruction at a new off-site location requires approval within UNT before the class is added by the Registrar's Office. 

Once the new site is approved, University Accreditation will approve each course through Courseleaf each semester.

To assist us in properly identifying each new offsite location, please include the following information on the form:

  • Full name of the building where instruction will be provided
  • Full physical street address
  • List courses and programs to be taught at this location during the first academic year
  • The reason for the instruction at this site and whether there are plans to teach 25% or more of the program at the site
  • The semester when instruction is to begin at the site
  • The name and address of your contact at this location
  • Attach copies of any written agreements or emails providing permission to offer the course at the site

When the form has been fully completed and signed by the Department Chair and the Dean, please forward it to the University Accreditation Office, Hurley Administration Building, Room 135. The form can also be submitted electronically to Claudia Cooper, Project Program Coordinator, at  Once the information is reviewed, the form is sent to the Registrar's Office and Enrollment Management by University Accreditation. Once the location code is created by Enrollment Management, course sections can be assigned to the site.

Additional Guidelines for All Off-Site locations

25% Notification to SACSCOC

Before 25% of coursework required for a degree or certificate program is offered at an off-site location, SACSCOC must be notified. This requirement includes Study Abroad and dual credit locations. Academic departments should contact University Accreditation if an off-site location is nearing the 25% threshold for their degree or certificate program. The notification is prepared by University Accreditation. Departments will receive a copy of the notification sent to SACSCOC.

Percentage of program instruction: The percentage of total instruction required to earn a credential measured in credit hours, clock hours, competencies or other generally accepted measure of progress to completion.

50% SACSCOC Approval

Before a specific academic program offers 50% or more of the coursework required for the degree or certificate at an off-site location, UNT must receive SACSCOC approval and/or THECB approval​.  Academic departments should contact University Accreditation if they plan to offer 50% or more of the courses required for their degree or certificate program at a specific off-site location to determine which approval process is needed. If SACSCOC approval is needed, a substantive change prospectus must be prepared by the department well in advance (6 weeks prior to deadline), and sent to UA for review and submission to SACSCOC deadlines:

  • January 1 for changes to be implemented July 1 through December 31 of the same calendar year, and
  • July 1 for changes to be implemented January 1 through June 30 of the subsequent calendar year

Percentage of program instruction: The percentage of total instruction required to earn a credential measured in credit hours, clock hours, competencies or other generally accepted measure of progress to completion.

The prospectus is reviewed and sent to SACSCOC by University Accreditation. Contact Elizabeth Vogt at or 940.369.5288 for additional information.

The THECB process begins when a department submits the VPAA form requesting to offer their program offsite. UA sends a 50-mile notification to area institutions and submits required forms to the THECB after a 30-day objection period. The THECB approval process can take 2-3 months and is described in the Approval of Distance Education, including Off-Campus Courses and Programs guidelines. Doctoral programs can only offer four courses offsite before notifying THECB.

Off-Site Locations Approved by SACSCOC & US Department of Education

The locations on this list have been approved to offer 50% or more of the curriculum for a UNT degree or certificate. The academic programs listed have been approved by the THECB to offer 50% or more of the program at the location. Additional Student Consumer Information is available.

50% U.S. Department of Education Approval

As soon as UNT has received SACSCOC approval, UNT Student Financial Aid and Scholarships office must report to and receive approval from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) when adding an additional accredited and licensed location where they will be offering 50% or more of an eligible program if the school wants to disburse financial aid funds to students enrolled at that location.  Schools must report and wait for written approval from ED before disbursing financial aid funds.  This approval may take up to 3 months after gaining SACSCOC approval.

Distance Learning

Distance education is a method of delivery in which 50% or more of instruction occurs when students and instructors are not in the same location. It includes synchronous (live or real-time) and asynchronous (not live or real-time) instruction. Courses and/or programs delivered through distance education require additional approvals. UA supports programs offered through multiple modes of instruction as there are additional reporting expectations. 

In addition, courses and programs requiring students to meet in a specific physical address off the main Denton campus for 50% or more of the course must receive approval as an off-site location through University Accreditation. This requirement applies to courses offered face-to-face or by video conference.

If 50% of more of a course is offered via distance education (students and instructors are not in the same location), the course will need course approval from the Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application, and Research (CLEAR). If a course is offered face-to-face and a video conference is streamed to a location synchronously, the course does not need CLEAR approval, only University Accreditation location approval. CLEAR manages the approvals for online courses and programs.

Dual Credit - High School Students

Any course that is offered as a dual credit course to high school students off the UNT campus should be approved by University Accreditation as an off-site location.  There are special reporting considerations required with the THECB for dual credit courses.  Academic departments should notify the Registrar's Office when a course is offered as a dual credit course.

Study Abroad

Those interested in submitting a proposal to teach a course abroad should read the faculty leader handbook prior to starting the process.  Once the Faculty-Led Program Proposal is approved, the Student Abroad Section Notice (SA-100) is completed and submitted to the Study Abroad Office with all required signatures. The SA-100 is furnished by the Study Abroad Office. The SA-100 routes through the University Accreditation office and to the Registrar's Office before a Study Abroad course section is created.  Study Abroad Location offerings must also be compliant with the 25% and 50% threshold SACSCOC requirements listed above.

Study in America (outside of Texas) and Travel Courses within Texas

Courses taught outside of the State of Texas, but within the United States, have special THECB reporting requirements. Faculty should complete the SiA-200 forms, and submit them to the University Accreditation office once the faculty, department chair, and dean signatures are obtained. The form should be submitted with a complete itinerary of the travel including specific dates, and on-campus meetings/dates. Please list the number of contact hours for the course met off-campus versus on-campus, if applicable. Once approved by UA, the SiA-200 routes through the University Accreditation Office to the Registrar's Office before being added to EIS. Study in America location offerings must also be compliant with the 25% and 50% threshold SACSCOC requirements listed above.

For travel courses taught within Texas, the SiA-200 form should also be used to comply with THECB regulations.  UA will send a notification to area institutions within 50-miles of the course's location.

Closing an Instructional Site

If a decision is made to close an instructional site, University Accreditation must be notified prior to stopping admissions into the program.  UNT is required to submit a teach-out plan to SACSCOC for approval in accordance with Federal regulations if that location provides at least 50% of a least one program.  Teach-out plans and agreements must be approved prior to implementation. UNT is required to submit a teach-out plan to SACSCOC for approval when a program approved for 50% or more delivery decides to cease offering at the off-site location. Approval is required before the program's admissions and/or courses cease at the site.

Reactivating a Closed Site

Academic departments should follow the steps to open a new off-site instructional location to reactivate a previously closed site.

Questions Concerning Off-Campus Instructional Site Locations Can Be Directed To: